In order to create an optimal environment for our products, our work is based on six core values: employees, customers, quality, improvement, responsibility and knowledge. These sustainable values create the basis for our actions. We all want to work successfully and maintain a trusting, open and honest relationship with each other.
- Wir übernehmen soziale Verantwortung, indem wir sichere Arbeitsplätze schaffen
- Wir übernehmen ökologische Verantwortung, indem wir überlegt und sparsam mit unseren Ressourcen in Umwelt und Ökologie umgehen
- Wir übernehmen ökonomische Verantwortung, indem wir ein stetiges Umsatzwachstum anstreben und dabei gesund und bedarfsgerecht achsen, um unsere Marktposition zu sichern und auszubauen
- We see our employees as our most important success factor
- We create secure and future-oriented jobs for our employees
- We develop our employees personally and professionally
- We live quality in all aspects of our business and align our entire work accordingly
- We put our system and our processes to the test at regular intervals both internally and externally
- We pursue a zero-error strategy
- We plan – We realize – We check – We act
- We continue to develop our products, our processes and our services
- We see in every risk an opportunity to improve
- We see knowledge as a community resource
- We share knowledge and work transparently
- We acquire knowledge through further education and experience
- We support our customers with their challenges
- We strive for highest customer satisfaction
- We always want to meet the requirements of our customers and exceed their expectations